Legislative Alerts
Friday, February 14, 2025
Update provided by Tom Cope of Cope Murphy + Co. - contracted lobbyist of the chapter.
The legislature concluded week 5 of the session and is moving quickly towards its first key legislative deadline, Friday, March 7, to have bills voted out of committee in order to remain alive for the session.
Several bills that restrict local control were introduced this week. For several of these bills, it is not clear if they have support in both the House and Senate, so the likely of those bills becoming law this session is unclear. With that said, one bill that is getting attention in both chambers is the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) bill, which was filed this week in the House. The bill, HSB 162, does the following:
- Cities must adopt ordinances allowing ADUs
- Cannot impose size restrictions on ADUs smaller than 1,000sq. feet, cannot require similar architectural designs to main residence.
- ADUs can be subject to historic building codes, deed restrictions, or common interest community rules
Some of the other new anti-local control bills that were filed this week include:
SSB1108 - Prevents cities from adopting ordinances that require certain landscape designs in areas designed for commercial use.
SSB1115 - Significantly changes the approval process for city utilities in Iowa
- Removes requirement for public hearings on utility franchise proposals
- Allows city councils to address utility franchises in a single meeting
- Changes establishment or deposal of utility franchise from vote to council resolution
- Subjects some utility-related decisions to a valid petition
SSB1114 - Prohibits cities from imposing licensing fees on specific professionals. Limits permit fees to a maximum of $500.
SSB 1117 - Imposes limitation to the annual increase in sewer service rates
- If a proposed rate increase exceeds the established limits it must be approved by a general election vote
- If the general vote fails any funds collected above the established rate must be refunded by January 1 following the election
If you have any questions about any items being discussed at the Capitol, please feel free to contact Tom Cope at tom@lobbyiowa.com or 515-975-4590, or Jon Murphy at jon@lobbyiowa.com or 515-422-6494.