Certification Maintenance
AICP's Certification Maintenance program helps planners gain the knowledge and skills they need to remain current in the practice of planning.

Tracking CM
All professional planners who are members of APA's professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), must engage in mandatory continuing education to maintain their certification.
To Learn More about CM visit https://www.planning.org/cm/
Click here to view your CM log.

Find CM Events
Search CM Events
To Search Upcoming CM Events visit APA Iowa's Event Calendar
Planning Webcast Consortium
APA Iowa is a member of the Planning Webcast Consortium coordinated by the Ohio Chapter of the American Planning Association. Visit their site to see the schedule on the Consortium's site.
APA Learn
APA Learn is APA’s new education platform that provides CM-eligible education online and lets you log your CM right from the platform.

Partnering with APA Iowa to Offer CM Events
APA Iowa is a registered CM Provider through the American Planning Association and provides this service so that AICP members have ability to receive CM credits throughout Iowa, including APA Iowa events and conferences. APA Iowa frequently partners with other groups and organizations to co-sponsor training events so those events can qualify for CM credits. To partner with other groups to offer CM credits, APA Iowa must follow the guidelines set forth in the CM Provider Toolkit and the chapter has adopted this policy to provide guidance for such situations. If your organization is looking to co-sponsor an event with APA Iowa, please review the policy and contact the David Wilwerding, Professional Development Officer at 515-727-7775 or dwilwerding@cityofjohnston.com with any questions.